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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pharetra dapibus gravida. Sed nec metus eu eros accumsan molestie ut sit amet mauris. Duis commodo cursus porttitor. Morbi vulputate dui non egestas tempor. Donec imperdiet, quam sed cursus aliquam, mi elit iaculis quam, ut blandit justo purus vel nisi. Vivamus in orci vitae diam vulputate commodo vel sed lectus. Pellentesque sagittis tortor id quam mattis dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse ornare, urna in dictum molestie, augue libero hendrerit erat, eget volutpat mauris urna in purus. Phasellus risus ipsum, ultricies at pulvinar non, vestibulum et ipsum. Donec at neque sollicitudin, lacinia felis a, pellentesque tortor.
Suspendisse tempus risus sed porta sodales. Praesent gravida elit turpis, vel mattis orci dapibus id. Duis eu malesuada metus. Fusce nulla justo, tincidunt et gravida vitae, aliquet non metus. Sed a ultrices felis. Integer tortor magna, pretium quis augue a, molestie interdum enim. Quisque pretium, nunc in imperdiet accumsan, nulla sem consequat nisl, eu iaculis leo erat eget urna.
Nunc mi ipsum, tempus eu arcu non, molestie pretium eros. Vestibulum sagittis accumsan quam eu sollicitudin. Nullam sit amet tortor quis tellus commodo placerat et in ante. Mauris non nulla tellus. Nunc tincidunt venenatis fermentum. Donec eget arcu id elit posuere placerat et vel ligula. Phasellus tincidunt cursus rhoncus. Maecenas consequat facilisis pulvinar. Nulla ac ornare nisi. Mauris faucibus dui ut porttitor posuere. Sed iaculis in tellus id fermentum.
Proin luctus pretium risus eu auctor. Cras placerat volutpat ultricies. Nam feugiat lectus vitae tristique tincidunt. Aenean ultrices mattis ante, nec vehicula augue commodo euismod. Cras id convallis sapien. Etiam id volutpat leo, at egestas ipsum. Sed tincidunt, leo sit amet aliquam eleifend, quam leo bibendum dui, et venenatis massa dolor eu lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla facilisi. Nam ut viverra sapien. Integer tempor tincidunt enim, eu lacinia augue bibendum at. Morbi iaculis lacinia imperdiet.
Aliquam sit amet orci purus. Vestibulum a molestie diam. Cras quis dolor vitae augue consectetur auctor. Maecenas interdum, magna nec tincidunt mollis, urna est varius nulla, quis malesuada quam neque vitae erat. Mauris dictum eu nunc lobortis faucibus. Quisque vitae sodales metus. Quisque velit quam, laoreet vitae odio at, lacinia convallis tellus. Pellentesque dolor neque, lacinia ac sapien non, interdum ullamcorper augue. Donec ornare elit non odio interdum, id varius sem tristique. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla tincidunt cursus diam, eu egestas enim elementum sit amet. Quisque egestas felis eget velit posuere hendrerit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pharetra dapibus gravida. Sed nec metus eu eros accumsan molestie ut sit amet mauris. Duis commodo cursus porttitor. Morbi vulputate dui non egestas tempor. Donec imperdiet, quam sed cursus aliquam, mi elit iaculis quam, ut blandit justo purus vel nisi. Vivamus in orci vitae diam vulputate commodo vel sed lectus. Pellentesque sagittis tortor id quam mattis dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse ornare, urna in dictum molestie, augue libero hendrerit erat, eget volutpat mauris urna in purus. Phasellus risus ipsum, ultricies at pulvinar non, vestibulum et ipsum. Donec at neque sollicitudin, lacinia felis a, pellentesque tortor.
Suspendisse tempus risus sed porta sodales. Praesent gravida elit turpis, vel mattis orci dapibus id. Duis eu malesuada metus. Fusce nulla justo, tincidunt et gravida vitae, aliquet non metus. Sed a ultrices felis. Integer tortor magna, pretium quis augue a, molestie interdum enim. Quisque pretium, nunc in imperdiet accumsan, nulla sem consequat nisl, eu iaculis leo erat eget urna.
Nunc mi ipsum, tempus eu arcu non, molestie pretium eros. Vestibulum sagittis accumsan quam eu sollicitudin. Nullam sit amet tortor quis tellus commodo placerat et in ante. Mauris non nulla tellus. Nunc tincidunt venenatis fermentum. Donec eget arcu id elit posuere placerat et vel ligula. Phasellus tincidunt cursus rhoncus. Maecenas consequat facilisis pulvinar. Nulla ac ornare nisi. Mauris faucibus dui ut porttitor posuere. Sed iaculis in tellus id fermentum.
Proin luctus pretium risus eu auctor. Cras placerat volutpat ultricies. Nam feugiat lectus vitae tristique tincidunt. Aenean ultrices mattis ante, nec vehicula augue commodo euismod. Cras id convallis sapien. Etiam id volutpat leo, at egestas ipsum. Sed tincidunt, leo sit amet aliquam eleifend, quam leo bibendum dui, et venenatis massa dolor eu lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla facilisi. Nam ut viverra sapien. Integer tempor tincidunt enim, eu lacinia augue bibendum at. Morbi iaculis lacinia imperdiet.
Aliquam sit amet orci purus. Vestibulum a molestie diam. Cras quis dolor vitae augue consectetur auctor. Maecenas interdum, magna nec tincidunt mollis, urna est varius nulla, quis malesuada quam neque vitae erat. Mauris dictum eu nunc lobortis faucibus. Quisque vitae sodales metus. Quisque velit quam, laoreet vitae odio at, lacinia convallis tellus. Pellentesque dolor neque, lacinia ac sapien non, interdum ullamcorper augue. Donec ornare elit non odio interdum, id varius sem tristique. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla tincidunt cursus diam, eu egestas enim elementum sit amet. Quisque egestas felis eget velit posuere hendrerit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pharetra dapibus gravida. Sed nec metus eu eros accumsan molestie ut sit amet mauris. Duis commodo cursus porttitor. Morbi vulputate dui non egestas tempor. Donec imperdiet, quam sed cursus aliquam, mi elit iaculis quam, ut blandit justo purus vel nisi. Vivamus in orci vitae diam vulputate commodo vel sed lectus. Pellentesque sagittis tortor id quam mattis dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse ornare, urna in dictum molestie, augue libero hendrerit erat, eget volutpat mauris urna in purus. Phasellus risus ipsum, ultricies at pulvinar non, vestibulum et ipsum. Donec at neque sollicitudin, lacinia felis a, pellentesque tortor.
Suspendisse tempus risus sed porta sodales. Praesent gravida elit turpis, vel mattis orci dapibus id. Duis eu malesuada metus. Fusce nulla justo, tincidunt et gravida vitae, aliquet non metus. Sed a ultrices felis. Integer tortor magna, pretium quis augue a, molestie interdum enim. Quisque pretium, nunc in imperdiet accumsan, nulla sem consequat nisl, eu iaculis leo erat eget urna.
Nunc mi ipsum, tempus eu arcu non, molestie pretium eros. Vestibulum sagittis accumsan quam eu sollicitudin. Nullam sit amet tortor quis tellus commodo placerat et in ante. Mauris non nulla tellus. Nunc tincidunt venenatis fermentum. Donec eget arcu id elit posuere placerat et vel ligula. Phasellus tincidunt cursus rhoncus. Maecenas consequat facilisis pulvinar. Nulla ac ornare nisi. Mauris faucibus dui ut porttitor posuere. Sed iaculis in tellus id fermentum.
Proin luctus pretium risus eu auctor. Cras placerat volutpat ultricies. Nam feugiat lectus vitae tristique tincidunt. Aenean ultrices mattis ante, nec vehicula augue commodo euismod. Cras id convallis sapien. Etiam id volutpat leo, at egestas ipsum. Sed tincidunt, leo sit amet aliquam eleifend, quam leo bibendum dui, et venenatis massa dolor eu lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla facilisi. Nam ut viverra sapien. Integer tempor tincidunt enim, eu lacinia augue bibendum at. Morbi iaculis lacinia imperdiet.
Aliquam sit amet orci purus. Vestibulum a molestie diam. Cras quis dolor vitae augue consectetur auctor. Maecenas interdum, magna nec tincidunt mollis, urna est varius nulla, quis malesuada quam neque vitae erat. Mauris dictum eu nunc lobortis faucibus. Quisque vitae sodales metus. Quisque velit quam, laoreet vitae odio at, lacinia convallis tellus. Pellentesque dolor neque, lacinia ac sapien non, interdum ullamcorper augue. Donec ornare elit non odio interdum, id varius sem tristique. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla tincidunt cursus diam, eu egestas enim elementum sit amet. Quisque egestas felis eget velit posuere hendrerit.

Day 1 International Arrival, Vientiane at Leisure

Welcome to Laos! Upon arrival at the Vientiane Wattay International Airport, our tour guide will greet you and escort you to the hotel. After checking in, enjoy the rest time at leisure.

Overnight: Vientiane

Day 2 Vientiane Sightseeing

After breakfast visit the oldest Wat Sisaket with thousands of miniature Buddha statues and the former royal temple Wat Prakeo built to house the famous Emerald Buddha Image. On the way to the famous and sacred structure of That Luang Stupa, we will stop to take some pictures of the imposingPatuxay Monument, Vientiane's own Arc de Triumph. Enjoy the rest of the day at leisure.

Overnight: Vientiane
Meals: breakfast, lunch

Day 3 Vientiane - Luang Prabang

Today fly to Luang Prabang. After a short rest we start to visitRoyal Palace Museum, which hosts a range of interesting artifacts. We then head to the magnificent Wat Xiengthongwhich represents classical Laotian architecture. We also have time to visit the impressive stupa of Wat Visoun and the shrines of Wat Aham and Wat Mai. 

Before sunset, go to climb up to the top of Mount Phousi to explore the sacred, gilded stupa and enjoy a stunning sunset. If you want, also visit the night market and explore the authentic local life.

Overnight: Luang Prabang
Meals: breakfast, lunch

Day 4 Luang Prabang - Pak Ou Cave - Luang Prabang

If you can get up earlier, today we will observe the Alms-Giving procession in the early morning and get a better understanding of local people’s piety towards their religion. Then visit the morning Phousi Market. 

After breakfast, enjoy a cruise upstream on the Mekong River with an exploration of the mysterious Pak Ou Cave, crammed with thousands of gold lacquered Buddha statues of various shapes and sizes. Along the way, we stop at the village of Ban Xanghai, where they make the distillation of local rice wine. On return, we take a short drive to Ban Xang Khong, well known for its hand weaving. 

Overnight: Luang Prabang
Meals: breakfast, lunch

Day 5 Luang Prabang Sightseeing

Today you will drive to Kuang Si Waterfall where you can enjoy a refreshing swim in the turquoise pools or a walk along the forest trails. Enjoy a simple picnic lunch nearby waterfall. On the way back, stop by the Black Hmong Ethnic Village, where hill tribe people maintain their original life style. Drive back to Luang Prabang, the rest day is yours at leisure. 

Overnight: Luang Prabang
Meals: breakfast, lunch

Day 6 Luang Prabang, Departure

Have some free time to explore Luang Prabang today, before heading for the airport for your departure flight. 

Meals: breakfast

DAY 1: HANOI – ARRIVAL (--/--/ D)

On your arrival at the Noi Bai International Airport, you will be welcomed by our guide and driver who will bring you to Hanoi City. Hanoi is over 1000 years old and is currently the capital of Vietnam as well the commercial, political, and cultural heart of the country. Check in hotel and free at leisure. Welcome dinner is served at local restaurant. After that, you are free to explore on your own or take it easy and relax in your hotel room. Overnight in Hanoi.


A city tour of Hanoi starts with a visit to Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum (from outside), His House on-stilts, One-Pillar Pagoda and the Temple of Literature - built in October 1073 to worship Confucius and considered to be the first university in Vietnam. 

After lunch time, we will then drive to Hoan Kiem Lake where you will see Ngoc Son Temple which worships Van Xuong saint and Tran Hung Dao, a former general commander. Later in the afternoon, you will get a chance to enjoy a 1-hour cyclo ride around the 36 streets in the Old Quarter of Hanoi followed by the dinner at local restaurant. Late in the evening, transfer to Hanoi Train Station for catching overnight express train from Hanoi to Lao Cai – Sapa. There is a soft bed onboard the train for you to get some sleep.


You will arrive at Lao Cai Train Station in early morning. Then take a refresh and have breakfast before transferring to Sapa. Heading northwards of Sapa along Road 4C for 8 km to O Quy Ho with several stops for magnificent landscapes of Fansipan. Mt, Sin Chai valley and especially amazing flower and vegetable farms. Then turn right to follow a narrow tarmac for half an hour, getting through wild region with thick rain forest covering walled-up mountains, passing a oangbeautiful waterfall before arriving to Ban Khoang commune, home to the Black Hmong & Red Zao ethnic peoples who live their unique way of life and well maintain their traditional values. The villages here are prosperous thanks to the combination of wet rice cultivation on the terraced fields with cardamom farming under the shade of thick rain forest. Spend over an hour walking to explore this remote village for a brief understanding of local life. 

Leaving Ban Khoang and process along the road for about 10 km to Ta Giang Phin valley inhabited by the Black Hmong who live in several hamlets scattering along a peaceful stream. Enjoy an hour lunch break on the bank of a stream. Enjoy about 2 hours walking along village path which connects hamlet to hamlets witnessing daily activities of local life such as plough and harrow the fields, growing, harvesting or doing house works. In leisure months men often gather to built new houses or repair parts of old ones while women stay home making their traditional costumes. The walk ends in mid afternoon. 

You will be picked up and transferred back to Sapa. Check in hotel and have dinner at local restaurant. Spend the night at hotel in Sapa.


Today we will take you on an excursion to a local Ethnic minority market. Depending on the day of the week, we may visit one of the following Ethnic Minority markets as follows: Bac Ha Market (held on Sunday), Coc Ly market (held on Tuesday), Cao Son market (held on Wednesday) and Can Cau Market (held on Saturday). It is a precious opportunity for you to take photos of the colorful market before heading back to Lao Cao for the night train back to Hanoi. Stay overnight on train.


The trains arrives early in morning. You will be picked up and transferred to check in hotel for day-use and having breakfast. 

We leave Hanoi at about 08.00AM and travel to the astonishing and mystical Ha Long Bay which is described by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and is one of the most beautiful places in the region. Located in the Gulf of Tonkin, it is an spectacular collection of 2,000 islands covering an area in excess of 1,500km. This forms a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars and cliff faces. 

Our crew will welcome you on board with drinks and a fresh seafood lunch. You will check into your cabins and start cruising around the bay to see the amazing rock formations (karsts). You will cruise towards Bai Tu Long Bay, passing the towns of Hon Gai and Cam Pha, Oan Lagoon, Mat Quy (Monster Head) and Am Tich (Teapot) Islets and Vung Vieng fishing village.

We will explore the mystery of Sung Sot Cave which is one of the most beautiful caves in Ha Long Bay. Later on, you will have plenty of time for swimming and kayaking to the Tunnel Cave. During the evening, relax to the casual and comfortable atmosphere held on the boat where you will have an elegant dining experience. If we are in the right season, we can see fresh squid being caught the traditional way. Get your cameras ready for a spectacular sunset, lounge under the clear, star filled sky and retire to your cabin at your leisure where you will spend the night on board near a remote island.

Overnight on board.


After breakfast, we will continue to cruise through the karsts some of which display fantastic and mystical shapes before getting into a small boat to visit the Luon Cave. Back on board for an early lunch before saying goodbye to our boat and crew and heading back on the road to Noi Bai Airport (Hanoi) for your departure flight. End of service.

Duration: 21days /20nights


On arrival in Vientiane, you will be met and transferred to your hotel. Time permitting, your half day city tour enables us to see the major temples of Vientiane including the oldest, Wat Sisaket, a temple of thousands of miniature Buddha statues, and the former royal temple of Wat Prakeo, which previously housed the famous Emerald Buddha Image. We also visit Lao national icon, That Luang Stupa, and we stop to take some pictures of the imposing Patuxay Monument, which is Vientiane’s own Arc de Triumph. 
Overnight in Vientiane


Following the morning at leisure, you will be transferred to the airport for your flight up to Udomxay. Here we have the chance to visit the intriguing Pra Xack Kham Temple with its sacred Buddha image. The 400 years old legendary statue is said to have many supernatural powers, and is widely worshipped among the faithful local Buddhists. We stop in Muang La, famous for its natural hot springs for the night. No activities are planned for the rest of the day so you can stroll around the village or just relax at the riverside retreat enjoying a massage or sometime in the hot springs. 
Overnight in Muang La.


Today we explore the local area and undertake an easy trek around the beautiful surrounding countryside visiting the numerous ethnic hill tribes that reside around the area. The evening can be spent back at the resort relaxing in the natural hot springs, taking a traditional massage and enjoying the excellent local Lao cuisine in the restaurant. Overnight in Muang La.


Today’s drive south takes through some of the most stunning mountain scenery you will find in South East Asia, with plenty of opportunities to stop off at the various Khmu and H’mong villages along the way. We shall reach Luang Prabang by midafternoon, where you have the rest of the day to relax and take in the enchanting city. You may wish to spend the evening exploring the local night market. 
Overnight in Luang Prabang.


Your full day city tour begins after breakfast, with a visit to the Royal Palace Museum (closed on Tuesday), which hosts a range of interesting artifacts. We then enjoy a short-guided tour seeing the city’s oldest temple of Wat Sene and the magnificent Wat Xiengthong with its roofs sweeping low to the ground, which represents classical Laotian architecture. Today, we also visit the impressive stupa of Wat Visoun and the shrine of Wat Aham.
Following lunch, we visit the Arts and Ethnology Centre to learn about Laos’ many ethnic cultures before we head out of town to see the weaving villages of Ban Xiengkhong and Ban Xienglek. We then return to the city for a visit to Wat Mai. We then climb up to the top of Mount Phousi for an enjoyable exploration of the sacred, gilded stupa as well as a panoramic view of the city at sunset and the Mekong River. The tour ends after a visit to the famous Night Market, where you can find a lovely selection of handmade textiles made by local and hill tribe people surrounding Luang Prabang. . Overnight in Luang Prabang.


First we visit the morning Phousi Market, where you will see such diverse offerings such as dried buffalo skin, local tea and saltpeter among the chickens, vegetables and hill-tribe weavings. Laos is also known for its traditional crafts, and today you will visit local villages of Lao ethnic minority groups at Ban Ouay, a Hmong village, Ban Ou a Laoloum village and Ban Thapene, a Khmu village. This then takes us to the beautiful Khuang Si Waterfall where you can cool off with a refreshing swim in the pools or walk along the forest trails. We then return to Luang Prabang. This afternoon, we embark on a cruise upstream on the Mekong River, which also gives us a breathtaking view of the tranquil countryside, before reaching the mysterious Pak Ou Caves, two linked caves crammed with thousands of gold lacquered Buddha statues of various shapes and sizes left by pilgrims. Along the way, we stop at the village of Ban Xanghai, where they make the local rice wine. On return, we disembark the boat to visit traditional villages, and continue taking a short drive to Ban Phanom, a village famous for its hand weaving. Back to Luang Prabang transfer to air port for your flight to Hanoi. Pick up and transfer to hotel for check in... Overnight in Hanoi


07.45 - 8.15 Shuttle bus pick up at hotel
12:15 Embarkation at Tuan Chau Marina pier (Tuan Chau island, Halong city)
12:30 Transfer by tender to the Gray Line Halong cruise boat - welcome drink. Cruise briefings and check in your cabins.
13:00 Enjoy set lunch. Cruise to Vung Vieng floating village
14:30 Arrive and visit the Vung Vieng floating village by local rowing boats. During the trip, you will see how the locals live. You will pass through floating houses of 65 families, a floating school & floating information centre.
15:45 Back to the cruise and continue cruising to Drum cave.
16:45 - 17:30 Enjoy swimming around the cruise ( weather condition ), relaxing on the sundeck for fantastic views and sunset photo opportunities.
18:30 Cooking demonstration will be on the sundeck. Let’s see how to make the fresh/fried spring rolls and mix fish-sauce.
19:30 Luxury buffet dinner is served with a variety of Vietnamese 
21:00 Evening activities include: film entertainment in the indoor bar at approximately 21:00. Board and card games are available or join the squid fishing on boat with our crew. You can enjoy the squid cooked with assistance from our chef.
22:00 Overnight anchorage near Drum cave area. End of the program of Day 1


06:30 Tai Chi class on the Sundeck.
07:30 Coffee, tea and Bakeries on board
08:30 Visit Amazing cave discovered by the French in 1901 and opened tourists since 1998 and symbol for geology value of Halong.
09:30 Check out of cabin and relax on the sundeck or in the dining room enjoying the bay scenery as we approach the pier
10:00 Farewell brunch
11:30 Disembarkation at Tuan Chau Marina. Driver back to Hanoi. Arrive Hanoi. Visit Kiem Lake , Ngoc Son Temple. 18h30: Enjoy Water Puppet Show, a theatrical genre reflecting the agricultural civilisation of thousands of years ago. Dinner at local restaurant. Overnight in Hanoi.


After breakfast, depart for Mai Chau via Hoa Binh to visit Muong Minority village. Then drive to Mai Chau for soft hiking to explore Lac village where the Thai people live. Mai Chau is a mountainous province with stunning geography: high ridge rising steeply from the flat valley floor where rivers wind through the bright green rice paddy. You will relax at a house-on-stilt of Thai people ... Dinner and overnight in Mai chau.


After breakfast and transfer to Cuc Phuong National Park - visit the Cave of Prehistoric Man where locals still pay homage to prehistoric artifacts that have been found in the cave. Visit the Primate Rescue Center before returning to Ninh Binh.


Drive to Tam Coc, take a tiny boat for a peaceful cruise on the river to Tam Coc ("three caves"), the tourists often compare the place with Guilin - China, or more closely, to the limestone islets of Halong Bay in the Tonkin Gulf for their similar geological structures and shapes. Thus Tam Coc is also called Ha Long-Bay-On-Land. Visit Bich Dong.
Transfer back to Ha Noi. Have dinner and take an overnight train to Quang Binh


Arrival Quang Binh, Dong Hoi station. Have early breakfast. Move to the national park of Phong Nha - Ke Bang - classified as the world heritage site, stopover at La Vang church and DMZ of Quang Tri. Have lunch at restaurant. Take boat trip on Son River to visit Phong Nha cave. Transfer to Hue. Dinner and overnight in Hue 


Morning: visit Great Enclosure of Royal Citadel, the complex of Noon Gate, Royal Palace, and Temples build in 1802. Afternoon boat trip on the Perfume River go up stream visit Thien Mu Pagoda, continue to Minh Mang King’s Tomb. Stay overnight in Hue...

Day 13: HUE / HOIAN TOWN (B/L/D)

Transfer to Hoi An. Walking in the Unesco World Heritage of Hoi An ancient Street, visit Japanese Bridge, Old house, Chinese Congress Hall, Museum. Have free time for walking in the street of thousands lanterns reflecting on the water of Hoai River or Cua Dai Beach. Stay 0vernight in Hoi An


Free at your leisure until transfer to Da Nang to take flight to Saigon. Pick up and transfer to Cuchi tunnel - Visit the underground village, which used to be a bitter battle ground for a long period during the Vietnam war. The amazing network of over 200 km of underground tunnels will offer you impression of the former fierce war in South Vietnam. Back to hotel for check in.. Dinner and overnight in Saigon...


AM: Transfer to My Tho. Boat ride on Mekong River and visit an orchard island where almost all the tropical fruit of southern Vietnam can be found and tasted.
PM: Transfer back to Ho Chi Minh, visit to Reunification Palace, War Crime Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral and Old Post Office, former US Embassy, and shopping at Ben Thanh Market... Dinner on Saigon Cruise with music show. O/N at hotel in Sai Gon.


Breakfast and transfer to Bavet border by bus to Phnompenh - Once known as the “Pearl of Asia” - capital to the Kingdom of Cambodia. After lunch, Proceed for tour at WAT PHNOM-the symbol of the capital as well as the land mark for city inauguration. Next, Visit the INDEPENDENCE MONUMENT, and enjoy the sunset BOAT CRUISE ON 4 RIVERS JUNCTION (Tonle Sap, Tonle Bassac, and the Two Mighty Tonle Mekongs), take the view of the floating village, Diamond Island, City, and the sunset from the boat. Dinner and over night. 


After breakfast, visit the TOUL SLENG GENOCIDE MUSEUM. The site is a former high school which was used as the notorious Security Prison 21 (S-21) by the Khmer Rouge regime from its rise to power in 1975 to its fall in 1979. Tuol Sleng means "Hill of the Poisonous Trees". After your visit to the Genocide, you will be heading on to the KILLING FIELDS, where large numbers of people were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Vietnam War. At least 200,000 people were executed by the Khmer Rouge. Analysis of 309 mass grave sites by the DC-Cam Mapping Program and Yale University indicate at least 1,386,734 victims. Estimates of the total number of deaths resulting from Khmer Rouge policies, including disease and starvation, range from 1.4 to 2.2 million out of a population of around 7 million. Over here at the Killing Fields, will be able to see the actual location of where the execution took place. We will head for lunch before afternoon tour to the ROYAL PALACE, AND THE SILVER PAGODA. This is where the King of Cambodia still resides in. Next to Royal Palace, we will explore NATIONAL MUSEUM, where collections of statues and ancient stuff are kept. National Museum is also called Musee des Beaux-Arts. A French archaeologist and painter, Georges Groslier, designed it in Khmer style in 1920. The museum contains a collection of Khmer art - notably sculptures - throughout the ages (although some periods are not represented). Most of the exhibits date from the Angkor period but there are several examples from the pre-Angkor era. Dinner and over night. 


Today, transfer by coach to SIEM REAP (approx. 5hours). On the way, you will enjoy the beautiful scenery of Cambodia country side, and you will also learn about the life of the people along the provinces which earn their lives from doing daily small business. You might also see people selling FRIED SPIDER and Insects at the halfway stop known for local people as SKON area. Arrival in Siem Reap a small colonial town, charming and pleasant enough to roam around, with some fine examples of French colonial architecture. After lunch and a short hotel check-in, follow by a visit the ANGKOR SILK FARM which consists of 8 hectare in rural Cambodia (16km west of Siem Reap Town). Visitors will discover the whole silk production process, from Mulberry tree growing to silk weaving. Visit ARTISANS D’ANGKOR to discover the traditional Khmer techniques used for stone and wood carving, lacquering and gilding. A complete tour of the workshops will take you from raw materials to splendid craft-wares. In addition, it also highlights wood and stone carving, lacquering and gilding crafts of sculptures and statues. The numerous items made in the workshops are inspired by the rich Cambodia heritage. Tonight, enjoy your dinner with KHMER TRADITIONAL DANCE SHOW. 


After breakfast, visit the WORLD HERITAGE - ANGKOR WAT. The largest temple in the world with a volume of stones equalizing that of the Cheops Pyramid in Egypt. The temple was built by King Suryarvarman II from 1113 - 1150AD when the Khmer civilization was at the height of its development, represent one of humankind's most astonishing and enduring architectural achievements.
Afternoon, discover the latest Capital City of Angkor Era, The fortified city of Angkor Thom (Great Angkor or Great City), was built by Angkor’s greatest king, Jayavarman VII (1181 - 1219). We will start from the SOUTH GATE OF ANGKOR THOM, and enter to the main temple sat at the heart of Angkor Thom, the giant faces of BAYON. Next, visit the TERRACE OF THE ELEPHANT, TERRACE OF THE LEPER KING, the PHIMEANAKAS AND BAPHOUN, TA PROHM - a temple in its ‘natural state’. Surround by jungle, its labyrinth of stone hallways is overgrown with the roots and limbs of the massive Banyan trees which envelope the stones tentacles. 
In the evening, proceed to watch sunset at PHNOM BAKHENG (Subject to availability due to access number limitation).


After breakfast, enjoy your last day morning at TOURIST MARKET -PSAR CHAS (Old Market) for shopping of local products or souvenir. Transfer to Poi Pet border.

End of our services.